Friday, March 19, 2010

Movies Days :D

In these last two days, I have watched more than 5 movies :D
Woooooooooow, that’s a lot :d

An education; it’s very nice film .. I loved the girl :D she’s beautiful :D

the hurt lucker; doesn’t deserve the Oscar at all L lost 2 hours of my life :D
the blind side; fantastic film .. it’s better than the hurt lucker .. I am sure am gonna watch it again
crazy heart; I heard it’s a great movie but still I didn’t watch it .. gonna watch it this week .. I have downloaded as it can be seen :D .
the secret in their eyes”; best foreign film in 2010 .. it got many other awards as well .. so must be nice film .. I have downloaded but I didn’t watch it yet .. 
and finally, shutter island; my brother have watched it and he told me it’s a stunning  film so I am downloading it :D ..

That’s all for today .. see you after watching “crazy heart” and “the secret in their eyes” ..
Salam J

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